Le fils prodigue

The Prodigal Son

The route starts of quite easy but becomes more difficult higher up with the crux right at the end. Clipping the chain is the end of the route.

Considering your life as a climbing route, one day, you will inevitably face an encounter with Jesus Christ. If you accept His invitation of salvation, you just climbed the “crux of life”. From that moment on Jesus will be your Belayer and climbing buddy. He will “lead” the difficult pitches of your life and He will be your friend who shares his water bottle with you on a belay stand. But if you see Jesus as a stumbling block you just made a big leader fall ending up underneath the crux. Be sure not to give up but to do another attempt. Jesus says: whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away (John 6:37).

You can read the story of the prodigal son in the bible (Luke 15:11-31). If you want more information on how to climb the “crux of life”, please feel free to contact us.

Crag: Chaulet (Ardèche)

Sector: Mots croisés

Grade: 6b (5.10c)

Length: 25 meters

Protection: 11 resin bolts + belay chain

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